We all know the dangers linked with driving a vehicle, but that doesn’t denote we’re ever going to give them up. But have you ever stopped to actually think about the numbers behind the car accidents and what they really add up to or are you scared they may just scare you off the road? Thanks to Auto Insurance, car accident stats can be digested in the form of a revealing and easy to read infographic.
It’s kind of a sobering thought that one-third of all unintentional deaths in the U.S. per year involve cars, even with the entire improvements car manufacturers have made to defend us if an accident should occur. Did you know that someone in the U.S. dies in a car accident each 15 minutes?
It’s kind of a sobering thought that one-third of all unintentional deaths in the U.S. per year involve cars, even with the entire improvements car manufacturers have made to defend us if an accident should occur. Did you know that someone in the U.S. dies in a car accident each 15 minutes?
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