
Japan police recommend charges in Prius crash

TOKYO -- Japanese police are recommending charges against a driver who says his Toyota Prius crashed because of brake failure later than an analysis of data from the car showed no defect.

The 37-year-old driver, whose identity was withheld because no charges have been filed, told police he pushed on the brakes but they didn't work, causing the Prius to hit a car stopping for a red glow.

Two people in that car were faintly injured in the July 19 accident, which resulted in two other cars getting bumped at a junction in Matsudo city, northeast of Tokyo.

Data from an event recorder, or black box, in the Prius sent to a laboratory for analysis found the brakes were working correctly, police said Friday.

The newest model Prius, the world's best-selling gas-electric hybrid, has been recalled in Japan and overseas because of a flaw in the antilock braking that made the brakes briefly unresponsive under some driving conditions.

Toyota's quality control has come under scrutiny after recalls of more than 8 million vehicles in current months, mostly in North America, for faulty gas pedals, faulty floor mats and flawed braking.

Some drivers in the U.S. have complained about Toyota vehicles, including the Prius, speeding up on their own. An connected Press analysis of U.S. government data found more than 100 reports of repaired cars continuing to go faster on their own.

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