It never ceases to amaze me how very stupid people are- or more importantly- how reckless. Tonight, I was driving home on the road. It was dark out, and the department of transportation had just salted the roads only hours before in expectation for some rough weather that the state of North Carolina may be getting over the next couple of days. All of that aside, it was dark out, and I noticed that there was a tow truck ahead on the side of the highway with its lights flashing. clearly, someone had broken down. It wasn’t a big deal. However, this was towards the tail end of rush hour, so the traffic was quite heavy, and most people were moving at a well-mannered clip.
Now, most people are informed about the police officer rule which states that whenever you see a police officer who has pulled someone over on the side of the highway or who is helping a motorist on the side of the road, you are forever supposed to do one of two things: a) slow down considerably if you are in the lane adjoining the area where the police officer and motorist are or b) maintain your speed but change lanes in front of time if you notice that you are in the lane next to a police officer who is pulled over.
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