modifikasi honda vario
A simple concept, but clearly this does not complicate the pemodifikator, Robby Mangolang from Studio 9 in Cileduk, Tangerang. Bodi Vario contrived sporty, the withdrawal of the car front and rear spoiler. Now, for the motor berlambang wing flap is adding a body kit on the front side cover and side of the body far more futuristic fiberglass material from the additional sharp lines.

honda vario with velg daihatsu xenia
Additional other velg the back of a car rim using Daihatsu Xenia. Pelek size of 5.5 inches and is equipped specer far more custom. "The specer that tire and rim enggak mentok engine crankcase and penyelaras as well as with the body," Robby reasons.
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